Creative Career Counscellor

         The Lead Counscellor, Meera Maam is an Edu-preneur, Creative Careers Counselor, Design Exam Coach and also Dheya Certified Mentor. She has spent 11 years in Graphic Design Consultancy with an Masters in Design in Communication (Instruction) Design done from IIT Kanpur. She did her Bachelors in Architecture from VNIT, Nagpur.

Our Brlief

          We believe that each child is unique and has unlimited latent talent and potential which needs to be unleashed to achieve the highest goals in life. Human potential is as diverse and spread as million shades of grey between black and white, and we do not believe that only a psychometric test or any other aptitude test is sufficient to determine the career direction in a child’s life. GMP has created a community of certified and trained senior professionals who are GMP Career Mentors who impact the population with these unique positive processes and energise the youngsters to achieve excellence in their life.

Our Inspiration

          GMP wants to contribute positively to the design Industry and architectural industry in India by supporting career guidance in these fields. As per Indian Design Council Report 2020, 62000 qualified designers will be required in the next 1 year and currently, there are 7000 of them and 5000 design students. I am here to fill the gap for design aspirants from Nagpur and Vidarbha. Every individual is born with a natural differentiator, and everyone has a variety of assets that are powerful and unique. These special beings need to be honed for success in life. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond imagination. We just have to work with ourselves to unleash this power within us. We are power mines. We are not as weak as we seem. Start believing, start dreaming, start planning and start achieving… GMP is focused on providing children in India with the greatest happiness and success rates as they step into the business world. We believe that in every aspirant there are different talents, skills and creativity level and I help them identify and gain confidence in performing best of his/her potential